2 Easy & Quick Ways to Recover Your Forgotten Facebook Password

Did you forget or lost your Facebook password? Well, you are not the only one. It is quite common to set difficult password and then forget it moment later.
But no worries, you are at the right place. Here we will show you, two easy & quick ways to recover your Facebook password.
Method 1: Instantly Recover your Facebook Password
You can instantly recover your Facebook password, using our Facebook Password Recovery Pro software.
It is very easy to use. Once you download it from here, please install and run it on your computer. It will automatically discover and display your saved Facebook password.
Below is the screenshot of Facebook Password Recovery Pro recovering FB password,
Here is how it works. When you login to Facebook or any other website, browsers (like Firefox, Chrome) save the password so that you don’t have enter it every time. This software automatically discovers & decrypts any of your saved Facebook password.
Here is quick video showing how to easily recover your FB password using this software,
Important Note:
- This software can only recover previously saved FB password from browsers & other apps
- So make sure to run it on the computer that you have used to login to Facebook earlier
- If you are using portable browser then you need to use advanced Settings in this software to set that browser profile location as explained here
Advantages of this Method
- Quick & easiest way to recover your forgotten FB password
- It does not require access to your email or mobile phone
- Suitable for system admins, security professionals or forensic investigators to recover any saved FB passwords from computer
Method 2: Reset your Facebook Password
If you forgot your password and could not recover it using First method then only way is to reset your Facebook password.
Here are the 5 steps to easily reset your Facebook password
Step 1: Visit Facebook login page, click on Forgot Account
On the Facebook login page, click on Forgot account to start the reset password operation.
Step 2: Enter your Facebook Login Email or Mobile number
In the next page, enter your login email or phone number used for Facebook login as shown below,
Step 3: Choose the option to Reset your Facebook password
Here you will be given multiple options to reset your Facebook Password.
Please note that these options change as per your FB login email or mobile. Choose the easier option based on next steps.
Step 4: (1st Option) Verify your Email
If you select the first option (use my Google/Yahoo account) then you will see popup screen asking you to login to your Gmail or Yahoo email (if not already logged in another tab).
Once done, you will see following message that your email has been verified and you can now proceed to enter New Password (Step 5).
Step 4: (2nd & 3rd Option) Verify Reset Security Code
If you select 2nd or 3rd option (Send code via Email or SMS) then you will receive Facebook Reset Security code to your email or mobile.
Copy this Reset code from your Email or Mobile and enter it in the next screen as shown below,
Step 5: Enter New Facebook Password
Once you have completed above verification (Email or Reset code) you will be finally asked to enter New Password as shown below.
Make sure to remember this new password else you have to repeat the whole process again next time 🙂
That’s all. Congratulations, now you have successfully got back your Facebook account.
Please comment below if this article has helped you. Any suggestions are welcome.
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